2022 Golf Outing Sponsorship
2022 Golf Outing Sponsorship
Available Sponsorship Levels
Platinum Sponsor
Includes a foursome, large tee sign, prominent placement on sponsor board, and a company banner displayed at lunch and dinner.
Silver Sponsor
Includes a foursome, large tee sign, and placement on the sponsor board
Cocktail Hour Sponsor
Includes a large tee sign at one of the six prize holes
Prominent placement on the sponsor board
Prize Hole Sponsor
Includes a large tee sign at one of the six prize holes and placement on the sponsor board
Hole Sponsor
Includes a tee sign at one hole and placement on the sponsor board
Forward a JPG or PDF file of your company's logo to John McDonald mcdonald@KSMarchitects.com. Graphic should be capable of being printed clearly at 8.5"x11".